Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Face Impression and Perception

There are various kind of face impression. The one whether you can tell directly or indirectly. Many of us did not realized that the face impression come with the perception. As an example, you know a person through networking and you know her for a month or more and that friend of yours come to town to meet you. She is not what you expected to be. Of course, you will make some kind of face impression. Shock or maybe disbelief. And there it is the perception. When you make that shock kind of face impression, you just made a perception where in your thought you were thinking " she is not that pretty!" towards your friend. Now I am talking about it in general because I experienced it myself.

The feeling of uncomfortable arise when people looked at me with that kind of face impression. The negative face impression and as a sensitive and not that confident person, I am, can not help the feeling of wondering what the other party think about me and thus, I tend to be quiet. Even though I can be quite talkative.

Therefore do not let the outside skin fool you, people! Get to know the person, evaluate and look at her personality despite of the outer skin of your friend. Of course we all not that so perfect but we try our best to be one and yet we can not satisfy people.