Monday, July 25, 2011

Trying To Understand.

It has been 6 days of internship. I am hoping that i can get through this tiring routine of waking up in the morning, get on the train which is full of people everyday and standing up all the way to work in the train. Yes I am exhausted. Working is fun. My boss and colleagues are great. I like it there. I'm loving it.

Being me, a thinker. I have a thousand thoughts in my head in the train. Looking at other people, wondering what do they do in their life without judging. And giving a thought for a second about me. Am I selfish being this stubborn? Am I?

This me again being pathetic. For a second, I think, maybe that is the way, the sign to be away from me. Perhaps that thought is nonsense. I just thought. There is really no one that I can turn to. In the crowd, hectic crowd, people were speaking loudly. Yet I hear nothing and just silence. All I hear is the voices in my head.

My knees are so weak now. My body as well. When will this be over. I never a fan of the surprise element. Fingers cross, hoping all is well.